Japanese animation, also known as "anime", has become very popular in America over the past two decades. What once started with English-dubbed, Japanese made TV-series like "Astroboy", "Eight Man' and "Gigantor", has now turned into a real cult phenomenon. One of the best anime features is still "Akira" (1987). Adapted from the best-selling comic book series by director Karsuhiro Otomo, this state-of-the-art feature (shot on 70mm.!) offers a gritty look into the futuristic city of Neo-Tokyo, circa 2019. Otomo paints a cyberpunk world complete with motorcycle youths and neon-lit cityscapes. I'm not really an "anime"-fan myself, but have always been impressed by "Akira". The detail that went into it is just flabbergasting. On of my other favorites is Hayao Miyazaki, director of such films as "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Winds", 'My Neighbor Totoro", "Kiki's Delivery Service", "Porco Rosso", "Princess Mononoke" and the VERY succesful "Spirited Away". Watching Miyazaki's films is like experiencing light-hearted enchantment. "Kiki" was the first Miyazaki-film I saw (unfortunately only in a Dutch dubbed version), and it amazed me with its magic, beneath which are pointed observations of human nature, with love for the unusual detail. When Kiki's father lifts her above his head before she leaves for the big city in the beginning of the film, I always get tears in my eyes... On these pages you will find some cels from "Akira", some cels from "LA Blue Girl" (which have another -obvious- attractive side), and a wonderful cel of Miyazaki's Kiki. I hope you'll enjoy my website, and if you have anything to add or any other comments, please e-mail me: Hans Walther All images © and TM of the respective studios.
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